Friday, March 19, 2010

Out of reach

Yesterday we had company. They were the best kind--the kind who brings their own meat and ugali from your favorite eating place. We needed a bigger plate, so I went to get it from the kitchen. Walking back to the living room, I held it a bit too casually, and soon bits of it were all over the hallway floor. I was angry, realizing I had just the one chance to fail but could have used the plate many more times if I had succeeded in safely transporting that porcelain (or some cheap plasticky version) disc to the living room.
It passes us by all the time. Sometimes we notice, sometimes it catches us sleeping. But the moment is ever within our grasp as it ever evades.
A month ago, I wrote a blog post. Then, some time after (which reminds me), it is today. Now. Of course. But time's Hermeneutical wings have carried it faster than I expected, and another term is coming to a close.
Here, we take three months on, one off. Jan-March, we've had classes and life at school. April will be our break. Next week are our final exams already. I like the new students. They are very childish, not yet molded by their uniforms. Their first grade this term will be our final exam, a welcome into the easily failed setup of the school. We will see how well they do. They can't always distinguish the rules of adding and multiplying positive and negative numbers.
Peace, my friends. Grasp it.

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